Early voting in Lake County starts Monday and runs through January 28th.
For Libertyville Township residents interested in voting early (I do every election) all you need to do is, head up to the Lake County Transportation Building (600 West Winchester Road) with your driver's license and they'll be able to pull your ballot. It's pretty simple. If you'd like to see who you'll be voting for, or find any other information about this election - visit Lake County Clerk (and Libertyville resident) Willard Helander's website - www.LakeVoterPower.info
With most primary elections - it can be difficult to know everyone on the ballot, unless you are pretty in-tune with politics. Even then it can be hard to follow everything. Having worked on several campaigns and also followed many as a news reporter in Chicago - I am quite frequently asked about candidates running for office (especially on the primary ballot) - so I thought I'd share with you some of the candidates I support in this election.

U.S. Senate
Mark S. Kirk
Illinois Governor
Dan Proft
U.S. Congress 10th District
Beth Coulson
Judge of the Appellate Court Second Judicial District
Ann B. Jorgensen and Mary S. Schostok (Libertyville Resident!)