Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News & Notes Update July 22nd

A few items of note:

New Cook Library Board President:

As we reported last week - Aaron Lawlor had stepped from the Cook Memorial Library Board to take a seat on the County Board, leaving a vacancy on the library board. At last night's meeting, Cook Library Board veteran and a great example of dedication and leadership in the Libertyville community, Bonnie Quirke was named President of the library board. The board still has a trustee position open - there has been no word yet on who will fill that vacancy.

ROADWORK (& Headache) ALERT!!

Road construction has begun along Milwaukee Avenue between Route 137 and Church Street - this is part of an IDOT repaving project. The work is expected to start in the downtown area, working North as the project progresses. According to today's Daily Herald - the project is expected to last the next seven weeks.

Goose Dropping Tickets Are Available Online!

Your chance to win $35,000 is just a few clicks away! The Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club has tickets available online for their ever-popular Goose Dropping Contest! This year's top prize is $35,000, with a second place prize of $3,500 and 3rd - 5th place prizes of $1,000 each.

The 4th Annual Goose Dropping event will take place on Saturday August 22nd at the Libertyville Sports Complex. A full list of the day's activities is available at the website.

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